22nd Annual
Capital City Jazz Band Festival

November 16, 2024
Washington Center
for the Performing Arts

The Rotary Clubs of Thurston County initiated the Cool Jazz Clean Water Event in 2001 as a way to raise funds for an International Humanitarian Project that included water projects in Malawi, Africa. That first event combined the offering of a unique venue for area high school jazz bands to participate in an adjudicated music event, and an evening Jazz Concert for the community. The net proceeds from this ticketed and sponsored event of about $20,000 went to the water projects in Malawi.
Over the next twenty plus years, the event has evolved into a program that is presented as “Cool Jazz Clean Water Capital Jazz Festival Event”, with the net proceeds being split between funding Rotary-sponsored water projects in Africa; purchase of new and refurbishing used instruments for the local School Districts to make available to low income students; and the rest is designated to a jointly planned “working together for youth” workshop attended by leaders from Thurston County youth programs and opportunities for youth to attend Camp Hope.
During the last few years, all Thurston County Rotary Clubs have supported this event with strong support from individuals from the clubs. Most clubs have also donated to the event itself.
This year we will be hosting a "Recognition Reception" to honor adult volunteers who continue to demonstrate "Service Above Self" for programs funded by the Cool Jazz Clean Water Event.
Anjali Silva and Vince Brown perform for your listening pleasure!
Residents of the South Sound, Anjali and Vince have been spreading joy throughout the region with their repertoire of Swing, Brazilian and Latin Jazz.

Anjali Silva: vocals and minor percussion

Vince Brown: guitar
For more information contact: